Jumat, 01 Januari 2010

I am the original people of Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. I'm proud to be Indonesia, because in my country including rich countries natural resources. and now I'm studying at university in Lambung Mangkurat Banjarbaru chemical engineering class in 2006. in Indonesia many places - beautiful places that can visit the people - the Indonesia was friendly, I am descended from banjar but because I was born in Palangkaraya, so I ask everyone always said I was the original Palangkaraya.

Palangkaraya is one of the most beautiful city in Indonesia, in Palangkaraya we do not need to feel upset when walking on the highway because of traffic on the highway because of Palangkaraya very large and spacious, in Palangkaraya we are also not too difficult to find food - good food for almost all food in the world is in Palangkaraya. Palangkaraya also includes a fairly clean city.

I'm glad traveling, I'm happy to be in many cities I, but now almost 3 years I was in Banjarbaru because I study here at lambung mangkurat university. and was almost 3 years I also learned a lesson which I actually thought and time drain of CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. huuoooh ... proved courses in chemical engineering was really tiring.

and if God allows me to college. i want to finished my master in korea . because it was the second country most I want to comes after Mecca.

2 komentar:

  1. you wanna go to korean, i say Aamiin May Allah Accept your dream, the Important, you Must Struggle very hard Again

  2. Keep your spirit on fire!!!

    And thanks for visited my blog (^_^)
